
Important Info


To edit Categories, Clues, Values, and Answers, Triple click the existing text and type in the desired text. Only numbers are allowed in Values and if you uncheck the Double/Final Board checkbox, you will not be able to change the 'NONE' from that. To exit typing mode, either move your mouse outside the current cell, or press Enter.

Daily Double(s)

To mark a question/value as a Daily Double, check the box underneath the question/value. You can have as many Daily Doubles as needed.


When a Daily Double occurs, two inputs(one for each team) and a "Submit" button will appear. Only ONE input can be used at a time, which would be determined by player order(user chosen). Leave the other Team's input blank.

If a team has a negative score when Final Jeopardy happens, the team can make up the score to get back to $0. For example, if Team One has a score of $-400, they will only be able to wager $400 to get back to $0.

Create Board Settings

Deduct Points

Determines whether a team who got a wrong question gets deducted the value of the question. I.E. if a question is worth $200, and Team Two gets the question wrong, they would not get deducted $200, rather stay their score they were at.

Show Double/Final/Results Buttons

Determines whether the "Go To Double/Final Jeopardy" or "Go To Results Screen" buttons appear BEFORE the round is over. If checked, they will. Otherwise you must click on every question before they appear.


Determines if Double/Final Jeopardy happens. If Double/Final are unchecked, Double/Final will not happen.

Row/Column Count

Determines how many Rows/Columns the current Board has. To change, click on the dropdown next to 'Column/Row Count' and select a number that works for you. Single and Double Board are independent from each other, meaning changing Row/Column Count on the Single Board will not affect the Row/Column Count on the Double Board.